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DripWorks, the nation’s leading supplier of drip irrigation equipment, is giving all members a 10% discount on retail purchases. DripWorks provides quality drip irrigation supplies and equipment to people wanting to reap the savings and benefits of using drip irrigation. Drip irrigation is an easy way to save time, water and money. Drip irrigation uses up to 30-50% less water than conventional irrigation methods. Believed by many to be the world's most valuable development in agriculture, drip irrigation is key to water conservation. As a result of its water saving effect, the use of drip irrigation is less expensive, greener, and, if installed in time, a plant-saving option for watering. It can be set up using municipal water and wells, as well as rain-catchment sources.

For discounts up to 25%, Members are invited to take advantage of DripWorks’ one-step signup process for wholesale pricing.