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AFR Company News - January 2015

2015 Youth Agricultural Achievement Contest Information

This contest is designed to recognize Oklahoma youth who have an interest in livestock, excel in showmanship skills and have knowledge of the livestock industry to include production, management, processing and end product utilization.

The contest stimulates excellence and a quest for knowledge that results in the development of leadership skills applicable to the livestock industry.

Competition will be limited to 4-H & FFA members exhibiting breeding and/or market beef, sheep, goat or swine at the 2015 Oklahoma Youth Expo and who are classified as high school juniors or seniors.

2015 AFR/OFU Convention Schedule of Events

February 13th - 14th at the Embassy Suites Hotel & Convention Center in Norman

2015 AFR/OFU Convention Information

Update: Notices, Bylaws, and Articles Added.

The 2015 American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual Insurance Company annual policyholder meeting and the Oklahoma Farmers Union State Convention is scheduled Friday and Saturday, Feb. 13-14, 2015, at the Embassy Suites Hotel, 2501 Conference Drive, Norman, Okla.

Drive Away Hunger with AFR

Did you know one in six Oklahomans struggles with hunger?

The AFR Women’s Committee is determined to help fight hunger in 2015! We’ve teamed up with the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma and the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma to challenge the people of AFR to donate 50,000 meals this year.

The “Drive Away Hunger with AFR” campaign will kick off with a canned food drive January 19-30. 

A competition will be held for your local organization to compete for most meals donated.