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This contest is designed to recognize Oklahoma youth who have an interest in livestock, excel in showmanship skills and have knowledge of the livestock industry to include production, management, processing and end product utilization.
American Farmers & Ranchers President Terry Detrick sent the following letter today to every member of the U.S. Senate, urging their support of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as director of the Environmental Protection Agency.
Throughout 2016, AFR members, youth, agents and local volunteers gathered donations during county and statewide events. Members were asked to bring nonperishable canned goods to county annual meetings, county fairs, and other local events. Youth at the annual leadership summit played a major role in meeting the Women’s Cooperative goal.
Oklahoma State University President Burns Hargis is the keynote speaker for Enid’s Agrifest Farm and Ranch forum, Jan. 13, Chisholm Trail Expo Center. The forum is part of the annual two-day KNID Agrifest, northwest Oklahoma’s largest farm show.