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2015 Leadership Summit

The senior session is now full. No additional applications will be accepted.

Both sessions will be held at Camp Big Cedars near Wanette in south-central Oklahoma.

The schedule for the 2015 Leadership Summits are:

  • Teen Session (students entering grades 7th-9th) - July 26th - July 28th, 2015.
    • Registration fee is $85. Non-members add $35 for membership fee.
  • Senior Session (students entering grades 10th-12th) - July 29th - August 1st, 2015.
    • Registration fee is $100. Non-members add $35 for membership fee.

Summit will focus on leadership, teamwork and cooperative skills. Activities are geared toward helping youth develop into future agricultural leaders.

It's not camp...It's a whole lot more!!!