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2016 AFR Policy Statement Highlights

At the 2016 annual AFR state convention on February 19th, delegates adopted the following new policy provisions:

  • We support State Question number 777.
  • We support legislation defining water quality and water quantity as compelling state interests.
  • We support continued studies on underground aquifer water storage, recharge and recovery.
  • We support research to determine if there are man-made causes contributing to earthquakes and/or seismic activity.
  • We support fact-based research on the possible causes and effects of climate change.
  • AFR will place special emphasis on rural health care, including facilities, this legislative session.
  • We support continuation of Oklahoma teaching hospitals and associated training which primarily returns physicians to rural Oklahoma.
  • We support educational instruction for children on nutritional values of food and balanced meal selections and further encourage connecting children with where their food is grown.
  • We support the development of reasonable regulations for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, while respecting and protecting the property and privacy rights of landowners.
  • While we acknowledge tribal sovereignty, we encourage tribes and state and local government entities to cooperate on economic development and agriculture issues.
  • We support research and development of industrialized hemp for use as fiber.
  • We urge USDA to designate cottonseed as an “other oilseed” for purposes of the Agriculture Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage programs.