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AFR Supports "Invest an Acre" and "Plant a Row" Initiatives to End Hunger

The American Farmers & Ranchers Women’s Cooperative has established a goal for AFR Members to donate 50,000 meals to hungry Oklahomans throughout 2015. As part of this initiative we have teamed up with the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma and the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma to help promote the Invest an Acre and the Plant A Row campaigns.

Oklahoma is one of the hungriest states in the nation.

In a state where agriculture is one of the leading industries, this doesn’t make sense to the members of the AFR Women’s Cooperative. The Invest an Acre program allows farmers to donate an acre, or any portion of crop proceeds, to help feed families right here in Oklahoma. For every Invest an Acre donation, Monsanto will provide a dollar-for-dollar match. The proceeds will assist in providing healthy meals to the more than 650,000 Oklahomans who are at risk of hunger daily. Donors can benefit their own communities by directing the funds (including the matching amount) to the nearest food bank.

Through Plant A Row members have the opportunity to donate expired or unused seeds to the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma or the Community Food Bank of Oklahoma. Members are also urged to plant a little extra in your garden and donate the abundance to a local food pantry throughout the summer.

From May 1-June 30 AFR is encouraging our members to donate to the Invest an Acre or the Plant A Row campaign to help end hunger in Oklahoma.

For more information and to find out how to get involved please email Megan Albright at (405) 218-5416.