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AFR Women’s Cooperative to Help Family Who Lost Everything in Wildfire

Donna Newsome (AFR Women’s Cooperative), Jacob Vandorn holding Wyatt, Caitlin Phibbs holding Wade, and Pam Livingston (AFR Women’s Cooperative chair)

Caitlin Phibbs was resting peacefully under doctor’s orders on March 6, unaware of the wildfires headed in her direction.  She was 8 months pregnant confined to bedrest.  Her fiancé, Jacob Vandorn, is a member of the Selman and Woodward fire departments, and he was fighting fire miles away.

I was in a 6 by 6 (fire truck) when they said the fire jumped Highway 34 north of Woodward. My gut just sank as I knew it was headed towards our house and knew I couldn’t get there in time.

Jacob Vandorn

Their house was 16 miles north of Woodward.  The key word here is “was.” 

Fortunately Caitlin was able to escape uninjured from the fire.  Today she is cuddling her recently born son, Wade, as she stands with Jacob and their other son, Wyatt, 2 years old. They lost everything in the fire and are faced with starting over.

The young farm and ranching family didn’t exactly lose everything.  They still have their family, but now must accumulate the various accruements that accompany everyday life.

The AFR Women’s Cooperative has started an on-line registry at Amazon to collect items for the young family.

As a woman and a mother, I thought about the people who lost their houses and wanted to do something for them. We want this to be an old fashioned housewarming using a new technology.

Pam Livingston, AFR Women’s Cooperative NW Representative

They need everything from pots and pans to towels, typically the same things a newlywed couple would need to start a new life together.

“We like to give back to our state and demonstrate old fashioned kindness and compassion,” Livingston said.

To help the couple, follow the link below, or contact Megan Albright, Adult Education Coordinator for more information at 405-218-5416. 

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Summer 2017

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