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American Farmers & Ranchers Critical Policy Issues

With an emphasis on statewide cooperation, voting delegates at the 2015 AFR convention passed comprehensive policy statements on a wide range of issues.  We are highlighting some of the areas of emphasis in 2016:

P. 7, line 42

We oppose consolidation of schools solely based on student enrollment.


P. 7, line 36-38

We oppose consolidation of schools, forced or otherwise, dependent and independent, by whatever means to meet arbitrary standards. Any assessments relative to consolidation should be an equitable comparison of all relevant factors.


P. 29, lines 40-43

We support transparency and the application of the open meetings law with respect to negotiations by the Governor, his/her designee and/or the Oklahoma Water Resource Board with other states, tribes, municipalities, authorities and/or individuals for the sale or transfer of ownership of Oklahoma water from the originating basin of origin.


P. 30, lines 20-21

The people in the area of a reservoir should have first priority concerning the use of the water or revenue from that water.


P. 30, lines 23-26

We believe that the regional watershed from which water may be utilized or transferred and/or sold should receive at least a reasonable portion of any economic benefit from the sale or transfer of water out of or within the borders of the watershed through a pre-established trust fund.


P. 30, lines 32-33

We oppose the sale of Oklahoma water out-of-state without meeting the needs of the state and local area and encourage federally recognized Indian tribes to do likewise.


P. 30, lines 35-36

We support adequate time being allowed for public scrutiny on all compacts dealing with public interest, including but not limited to, water issues.


P. 30, lines 38-39

We believe any sale of water across the state boundaries should be voted on by the citizens within the counties in the watershed from which water will be taken.


P. 33, lines 34-35

We strongly support continuation of the sales tax exemption, tax credits and income tax deductions used in agriculture.


P. 33, lines 39-40

We do not support an increase in ad valorem taxes as a means to solve a state revenue shortfall.


P. 33, lines 45-46

The Constitution of the State of Oklahoma should be adhered to in the use of ad valorem taxes, with oversight by the Oklahoma State Auditor and Inspector Office.