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Attorney General Scott Pruitt highlights Agrifest Forum Sponsored by AFR

Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt is the keynote speaker for Enid’s Agrifest Farm and Ranch forum, Jan. 8, Chisholm Trail Expo Center.  The forum is part of the annual two-day KNID Agrifest, northwest Oklahoma’s largest farm show.

Sponsored by the American Farmers & Ranchers LEAD program, the forum begins with a legislative mix-and-mingle at 9 a.m. Participants are invited to visit with elected officials while enjoying breakfast burritos prepared by TV celebrity chef Kent Rollins. The Oklahoma native owns Red River Ranch Chuck Wagon Catering and is a noted cowboy poet, author and entertainer.

The AG’s presentation follows the breakfast reception at 9:30.

The attorney general is a strong supporter of agriculture and rural Oklahoma. We look forward to hearing the latest updates on his efforts to stem federal regulations, such as the EPA’s WOTUS rules and federal emissions standards.

Terry Detrick, AFR President

 After the AG’s presentation, Ron Hays, director of farm programing for the Radio Oklahoma Network, will moderate a panel discussion on SQ777, Right to Farm.  The panel will feature Michael Kelsey, executive vice president, Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association, Roy Lee Lindsey, executive director, Oklahoma Pork Council and Glen Coffee, state coordinator, Oklahoma Farmers Care.

The AFR LEAD program is focused on Leadership, Exploration and Development for rural Oklahomans.  

Interview with AG Scott Pruitt