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Drive Away Hunger with AFR Food Drive

AFR Women's Cooperative Strives to Drive Away Hunger in Oklahoma

The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma estimates one in six Oklahomans struggles with hunger. When you dig deeper into the stats, one in four children in Oklahoma struggles with hunger every day.  Oklahoma is one of the hungriest states in the nation! Therefore, the American Farmers & Ranchers Women’s Cooperative Council kicked off the 2016 “Drive Away Hunger” with AFR Food Drive earlier this year. The council is encouraging members to bring canned goods as well as financial contributions to their local and county meetings this fall/winter.

We saw such a great response and innovation from the 2015 food drive we felt we should continue the good work another year.

Suzanne Gilbert, AFR Women’s Cooperative Council Chairperson

The food drive idea came from the Women’s Cooperative Outstanding Service Award recipient, Lincoln County 41. They simply asked members to bring canned good items to their county meeting last fall. During the meeting they passed the hat and asked for donations. The council felt this was a great event that is easily replicated throughout the state.

We hope your local and county meetings will be as successful as Lincoln County was last year donating 2,708 meals to their local food bank.

Suzanne Gilbert, AFR Women’s Cooperative Council Chairperson

Statewide, the council has set a goal of 50,000 meals donated by AFR members.  The council hosted a kick-off day for volunteers to join them at the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma in August. Together members and employees packaged and sorted 3,904 meals to kick off the food drive.

In cooperation with the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma and Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma we encourage you to contact your local food bank to see what the needs are for your community.

Suzanne Gilbert, AFR Women’s Cooperative Council Chairperson

 To be included in the competition for local and counties please email Megan Albright your donation amounts by December 9, 2016. For more information on how to get involved go to or contact Megan Albright, Adult Education Coordinator at 405.218.5416 or