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Noble Foundation Cattle Production Seminar

Reserve Your Spot Today! Space is Limited!

Enjoy a day at the Noble Foundation Oswalt Ranch for this one of a kind seminar over cattle production. Attendees will tour the cattle handling facility a well-designed cattle processing facility that uses modern technology to ensure safety, animal welfare and data quality.

In the GrowSafe demonstration you will learn about high-tech, computerized equipment that measures animal feeding and watering behavior.

The Integrity Beef Program will cover the Integrity Beef Alliance and how it simplifies cow/calf producer management decisions and increases the marketability of calves through the production of high quality, uniform, and age and source verified preconditioned cattle.

The Beef Quality Assurance will teach cattle management techniques and principals that ensure production of wholesome, safe beef for consumers.

We will also learn about the cattle GPS collars that the foundation uses and the regional grazing practices & forage measurement technolgy.

Lunch will be provided by AFR. This is sure to be an impressive seminar and one you can't miss if you are in the cattle industry. 

RSVP Today!

Friday, May 27th 2016

9:55 AM
Arrive at Noble Foundation Oswalt Ranch
10:00 AM
Welcome & Noble History Overview
Danielle Pacifico
10:30 AM
Tour of Cattle Handling Facility
Devlon Ford
11:00 AM
Tour of GrowSafe
Devlon Ford
11:30 AM
Budro's (Provided by AFR)
12:00 PM
Integrity Beef Overview
Robert Wells
12:45 PM
BQA Overview
Robert Wells
1:30 PM
Cattle GPS Collar & VLSA
Mike Proctor
2:00 PM
Regional Grazing Practices & Forage Measurement Technology
James Rogers
3:00 PM
Wrap-Up & Depart Noble Foundation