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Poker Run & Red Dirt Concert SQ 777 Fundraiser

June 11, 2016

The LEAD program is sponsoring a Poker Run and Red Dirt Concert, June 11, at Medicine Park, Okla., to raise funds in support of State Question 777, Oklahoma's right to farm. 

"This is a family-friendly event that will be fun and educational," Megan Albright, AFR adult education coordinator, said. 

The Poker Run participants will start at 1 P.M. in Medicine Park, a historic resort town near the entrance to the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge in southwest Oklahoma. Tourists from around the world have long been attracted to the vintage cobblestone resort with a history that dates before statehood. 

A poker run typically attracts enthusiasts on motorcycles, antique vehicles and other unique modes of transportation, who must visit various checkpoints, drawing a playing card at each one. The object is to have the best poker hand at the end of the run. 

This is a family-friendly event that will be fun and educational.

Megan Albright, AFR Adult Education Coordinator

The entry fee for motorcycles is $10 for one playing hand and $10 per passenger hand, players can purchase one additional hand. For all other vehicles the fee is $10 for one hand, $20 for a family which includes two playing hands. This is a family friendly event so all vehicles are welcome to attend and participate in the poker run. 

A free concert featuring "red dirt music" will begin at 4:00 running throughout the evening. 

"We're really excited to offer a concert with "red dirt genre" musicians," Albright said. 

The band "Snake Oil" will play at 4 P.M. followed by the featured band of "Tyler Wilhelm and a Few Dollars More." 

Other fund raising activities will include both a silent and live auction. 

All proceeds from the day's event will support passage of SQ 777, Oklahoma's right to farm, which is on the November general election ballot. 

"Passage of this state question is vitally important to our state." Albright said. "AFR is a strong supporter of the 'Yes on 777' campaign. 


1:00 PM
First Bike Out/ Silent Auction
2:00 PM
Last Bike Out
4:00 PM
Snake Oil Band Performance
6:00 PM
Last Bike In
6:15 PM
SQ 777 Speaker
6:30 PM
High / Low Hand Announced
Live Auction Begins
7:00 PM
Tyler Wilhelm Band Performance
8:00 PM
50 / 50 Drawing
Silent Auction Closes

Entry Fees


$10 for 1 hand

$10 for passenger/+1 hand

All other vehicles

$10 for 1 hand

$20 family gets 2 hands

*Additional hand for $5

50/50 Drawing

Half goes to SQ 777, half to winner

$1 each or 15 for $10


$200 for highest hand

$100 for lowest hand
