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Southwest District Women's Retreat September 24, 2016

Women’s Retreat Sept. 24 in Anadarko

The American Farmers & Ranchers Women’s Cooperative southwest Oklahoma women’s retreat is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 24 in the Anadarko area. This event is a great networking opportunity to meet like-minded rural women from across the state.  

The adventure-packed day begins at 10 a.m. at the Anadarko Heritage Museum.  After a tour of the museum the group will enjoy lunch and tour the Woods and Waters Winery and Vineyard. Other stops include the D & L Christmas Tree Farm near Fletcher and Jahn’s Pumpkin Hill near Cyril.

Interested participants do not have to be AFR members to attend. Anyone from across the state can attend the retreat not just the southwest district. Join the Women’s Cooperative for a day of exploring Oklahoma’s heritage and agritourism businesses by reserving your spot by Sept. 19.  For more information contact Megan Albright,, (405) 218-5416.

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