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AFR LEAD Launches New Programs

LEAD Academy participants help White Fields boys home to plant their summer garden after presenting some of their advocacy “trunk” lessons to the residents. The boys were excited to eat fresh vegetables and learn about agriculture

The AFR LEAD program has been very busy launching new programs for members and hosting activities across the state. The newest LEADership component for you to get involved with is the LEAD Academy. Each year a group of individuals are selected to participate from across the state. The Academy is designed to develop future leaders of AFR by informing them on the organizations three pillars: Education, Legislation, Cooperation and Leadership. They meet four times a year and the program offers a mentor component to participants. The day long events offer speakers, workshops and community service projects. We encourage you to apply for the next LEAD Academy Class by September 30th. Applications are available online

Recently LEAD participants were able to attend a train the trainer event at the Noble Research Institute. The event helped to inform attendees why advocating is so important and how we can all be better advocates in the future. The day wrapped up with a tour of the Noble Research Institute’s specialty Ag areas including a new facility that plans to teach people how to grow food in their back yards regardless of size.  This is an ongoing effort to encourage LEAD participants to focus their everyday efforts on Advocating for Ag specifically food production. As the LEAD program grows and develops we hope you will join us at the next event. For more information about the programs and events please contact Megan Albright at 405-218-5416 or

Noble Research Institute instructors visit with participants of the Noble Train the Trainer event about how to Advocate for Agriculture across our great state
Ginger Reimer with the Oklahoma Soybean Board spoke to the group about volunteering as an Advocate for Agriculture. She described the benefits, struggles and rewards to academy participants during their cooperation day

View the full issue of AFR Today

Summer 2017

AFR Insurance rewards fire departments, scholarship recipients, Farmer Veteran Coalition, more