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AFR Insurance Agents Working To Help Local Schools

Tight budgets are forcing schools, and their patrons, to look at creative ways to meet the needs of students.  AFR Insurance agents are meeting the challenge head on.

On Oct. 3, schools across Stephens County received an $8,039 financial boost thanks to a generous donation from the Stephens County chapter of American Farmers & Ranchers. The donation was distributed equitably at $1 for every student, based on the average daily student enrollment from 2015-16.

“Oklahoma’s schools are dealing with unprecedented budget cuts, and they are constantly required do more with less,” said Bobby Bess, Marlow, Stephens County AFR president. “Our children and our teachers deserve better.  We encourage other entities in Stephens County to give what they can to help educators and students through this difficult time.”

Bess added AFR is challenging other businesses, organizations and agencies to reach into their coffers to do the same.

School officials will have the flexibility to use the funds to best fit the students’ needs.

“Right now, we are doing everything possible to retain quality services for our students,” said Terry Davidson, superintendent of Comanche Public Schools.  “Every dollar matters and we are encouraged when community partners step forward to help.  We are grateful to AFR for this donation.”

The AFR agencies participating in the donation are Graham Insurance, Marlow; Harris Insurance Agency, Duncan and Rochell Insurance Agency, Comanche. 

In another example of local AFR Insurance agents helping schools, AFR agent Jason Nutt, Paden, is working with the Paden city council to provide Paden Public Schools with a 50 percent reduced rate for water and sewer.

“I challenge other AFR agents throughout the state to help schools with the budget crunch,” Nutt said.

In Okmulgee County, AFR Agent Bob Finley is turning a senseless act of theft and vandalism into a golden opportunity to assist Twin Hills Public Schools system.  In late August, two school buses were stolen and burned beyond repair.  Finley spearheaded an effort to replace the buses and AFR Local 582 is donating $2,500 to the Twin Hills Public Schools.