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Beckham and Love County AFR’s receive Five Star Awards

American Farmers & Ranchers affiliates Beckham and Love Counties received the state group’s highest honor at the AFR annual state convention at the Embassy Suites & Conference Center, Norman, Feb. 19-21.

Both counties received the Five Star Outstanding County Achievement Award which recognizes outstanding counties that have shown exemplary devotion to the AFR culture of giving back to communities across Oklahoma.

“The county organizations are the life blood of AFR,” said AFR President Terry Detrick. “Without outstanding counties, we would not be able to serve the great state of Oklahoma and further the cause of agriculture, families and rural America.”

Some of the activities that merited the five star designations include sponsoring a legislative breakfast (Beckham County), food drive (Love County), legislative efforts at the state Capitol (Beckham County) and a county health fair (Love County).

Other county AFR groups winning awards were Wagoner County (Four stars) and Pottawatomie (Three stars).

The annual AFR convention features educational speakers and entertainment, the annual business meeting, discussion and adoption of AFR legislative policy and officer elections.