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The holidays are a time of year to spend time with family and friends. Unfortunately, it is also a time for increased insurance claims due to theft, safety hazards and much more. We have compiled a list of helpful tips to help you through the season.

If you do have to get out on icy and snowy roads, it’s important to be prepared.  Here are some things to consider before winter arrives.

The storms of May 17th that devastated parts of Elk City were reminders that preparation is so very important.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to those that were impacted be this storm.

Fortunately, for the majority of Oklahomans, we will never have to work through losing everything in a storm.  At some point, we may have hail damage to our homes, autos, outbuildings or equipment.  After something like this, what should you do?

Storm debris littered the streets in all directions from Gary Paxson’s neighborhood on the southern edge of Elk City known as Fairway Estates Addition or the Golf Course.  Paxson was stunned when he came out of his neighbor’s storm shelter and saw his house was destroyed by the May 16 tornado.  

When our policyholders file claims for roof damages done by wind or hail, we frequently receive a number of questions about how they can safeguard themselves when selecting someone to do the repair work.  Here are a few guidelines that are commonly recognized as good practices to accomplish that.

Each month we have two giveaways featuring various prizes such as Yeti tumblers, RTIC coolers, event tickets and more. Like us on Facebook and watch our page to see how you can win!

Laverne Insurance, Jestis Insurance, and Newsome Insurance recently held open houses to welcome policyholders to meet their new agents.