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2016 Election Day Statements

State Question 777 Fails

We are strongly disappointed voters decided against an amendment that would protect the very industry that we all depend on to feed and clothe our families.  The opposition purposefully confused voters with misleading ads and false information. 

Oklahoma farmers and ranchers are resilient people and we will continue to work hard growing food and fiber while protecting the environment.  

General Election Statement

This has been a challenging election but the most gratifying fact is we have changed governments in a peaceful, democratic process.  A process that is the envy of the world.

We look forward to working with the new administration and advancing our agricultural policies, as it is critically important for farmers and ranchers to have the opportunity to feed and clothe our growing population.

President-elect Trump has voiced opposition to the Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Pact.  We believe exporting agricultural goods is a key to improving our economy while helping feed the world.  We look forward to factual discussion with President-elect Trump on this issue and other critical agricultural issues.

Statewide, we are encouraged by the large voter turnout and support for the candidates.  In many instances the candidates are true citizen legislators committed to helping improve the lives of their neighbors and advancing the state.  We are especially pleased to see continued strong representation of rural citizens in the new legislature.

There will be a bushel basket full of important agricultural and rural issues for the new legislature to handle.  Among those issues is a process to control the feral hog population which is devastating crops and spreading disease throughout the state.

We are also interested in working with the new legislature on improving our rural infrastructure.  Improved roads, bridges and broadband communications network are vital for a successful rural economy.