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Ag Advocacy Awards were presented to State Senator Eddie Fields and USDA Risk Management Regional Director Francie Tolle. Special recognition was given to FFA Executive Secretary Kent Boggs and former FFA Foundation Director Kendall Brashears.

The 2018 Oklahoma legislative session convenes Feb. 5 and it will be a critical session for Oklahoma agriculture.

Abundant production in 2017 coupled with good demand has kept Oklahoma farmers and ranchers in the economic game. As we look ahead to 2018, economic analysts expect more of the same economic fundamentals with hints of optimistic gains.

We invite you to attend the 2017 Rural to Urban Outreach Reception during the Tulsa Farm Show on December 8th. This is a great opportunity to meet with Tulsa area legislators.

American Farmers & Ranchers is lauding the appointment of Scott Biggs as state executive director of the USDA Farm Service Agency for Oklahoma.  Biggs, a livestock producer and former Prosecutor for the Grady County District Attorney's office, is currently a member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives.

Hurricane disaster relief funds, federal trucking regulations and the farm bill were hot topics for AFR leaders during a four-day lobbying trip to Washington, D.C., Sept. 10-13.

State Sen. Paul Scott (R-43), recently received the AFR Legislative Advocacy Award from American Farmers & Ranchers.

AFR President Terry Detrick offered the following response to the EPA decision to rescind the "Waters of the United States" (WOTUS) rule.

This is the question many ask when it comes to immigrants attempting to enter our country to work.  At this point, it is important we acknowledge that under our current immigration laws, it is simpler to come here illegally than legally.  We need immigrants to fill labor shortages, and immigrants want work.

American Farmers & Ranchers President Terry Detrick issued the following statement today, opposing federal budget cuts to agriculture programs.

K101 Farm Expo is one of the largest tri-state agriculture, farm and ranch trade shows, featuring over 180 commercial exhibitors, as well as arts and crafts.