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2018 Ag Achievement Contest at OYE


  1. To recognize Oklahoma youth who have an interest in livestock, excel in showmanship skills and have knowledge of the livestock industry to include production, management, processing and end product utilization.

  2. To stimulate excellence and a quest for knowledge that will result in the development of leadership skills applicable to the livestock industry. 


Competition will be limited to 4-H & FFA members exhibiting breeding or market beef, sheep, goat or swine at the 2018 Oklahoma Youth Expo and who are classified as high school juniors or seniors. 


Pre-entry forms are available at American Farmers & Ranchers, the Oklahoma Youth Expo, Agricultural Education Teachers and OSU County Extension Offices. Entries must be submitted to AFR Youth Development Coordinator by March 9, 2018. If an applicant is exhibiting animals in more than one species, then a choice of one species must be indicated on the entry form. 


Friday, March 9th

Pre-entry forms due to State AFR Office

Monday, March 12th

Written Test (Barn 3 Sales Pavilion) 8 a.m. - Noon

AFR Swine Showmanship (Barn 6 Arena) Immediately following OYE Swine Showmanship

AFR Sheep Showmanship (Super Barn Arena) Immediately following OYE Sheep Showmanship

Tuesday, March 13th

AFR Cattle Showmanship (State Fair Arena) Immediately following OYE Cattle Showmanship

Wednesday, March 14th

AFR Goat Showmanship (Super Barn Arena) Immediately following OYE Goat Showmanship 

Top Ten posted 3:00 p.m.

Thursday, March 15th

Top Ten Interviews (Main Show Office) 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. 

Awards Presentation (State Fair Arena) 5:30 p.m. 


  1. Written Exam (40%)
    •  All participants will take a written exam:
    • 8 a.m. - Noon Monday, March 12 – Barn 3 Sales Pavilion
    • Questions will pertain to all phases of the livestock industry to include current events.
    •  CIMC Animal Science Curriculum - 3rd Edition and CIMC Introduction to Agriscience will be used in selecting test questions. All questions will be age appropriate for youth in the range of 16-19 years old.
  2. Showmanship (20%)
    • Each participant will be evaluated on showmanship ability in one class. Each participant must show an animal they have entered in OYE. No substitute animals will be allowed. The AFR Showmanship contest will begin at the conclusion of the OYE Showmanship contest for each species.
    • Swine Showmanship – Barn 6 Arena – Monday, March 12
    • Sheep Showmanship – Super Barn Arena – Monday, March 12
    • Cattle Showmanship – State Fair Arena – Tuesday, March 13
    • Goat Showmanship – Super Barn Arena – Wednesday, March 14
  3. Interview (40%)
    • Interviews will be held on Thursday, March 15. Official dress of the students’ appropriate organization must be worn.
    • The ten youth with the highest total scores combining points from showmanship evaluation and the written exam will be interviewed by a panel of individuals representing various segments of the livestock industry.
    • Questions will pertain to the applicant’s livestock project and the agriculture industry. 

Posted Scores

A list of the top 10 participants (Combining Written Exam Totals & Showmanship Scores) will be posted on the American Farmers & Ranchers Youth Program Facebook page, the AFR booth in Barn 3 and outside the Main Show Office by 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 14, 2018. 


Each of the top ten finalists will receive cash awards:

  • 1st - $1,000
  • 2nd - $900
  • 3rd - $800
  • 4th - $600
  • 5th - $500
  • 6th - $350
  • 7th - $250
  • 8th - $200
  • 9th - $200
  • 10th - $200
Ag Achievement Contest Info67.05 KB
Entry Form79.67 KB