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AFR Asks Support for GMO Labeling Law

In a letter today to the Oklahoma congressional delegation, AFR President Terry Detrick encouraged them to support the U.S. Senate’s GMO labeling legislation.  The Senate is expected to vote on the issue after July 4th holiday.

“On behalf of the membership of American Farmers & Ranchers, I am writing you to express our support for the current genetically modified organism (GMO) labeling compromise bill spearheaded by Senators Roberts and Stabenow. We believe they have wrangled a difficult situation into a common sense solution.

“It is imperative Congress act in order to prevent a patchwork of mandatory regulations that could vary wildly from state-to-state. Yet it is equally important to find a balance between consumer information and industry viability. Scientists the world over have concluded GMO’s pose no risk, but our society is demanding more information about their food.

“We ask that you support farmers, ranchers, consumers and sound science in this matter critical to the American food supply chain. While it is not perfect legislation, it addresses the key issues that the Vermont labeling law thrust upon the rest of the nation.”