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U.S. Rep. Tom Cole Speaks with AFR Members in Marlow

Becky and Mike Graham, Marlow, center, hosted a meeting with U.S. Rep. Tom Cole, May 31 in Marlow. Also attending the meeting was AFR President Terry Detrick, left. Rep. Cole is on the right.

U.S.  Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK), addressed a group of AFR leaders meeting at BancFirst in Marlow, May 31.  The event was hosted by Becky and Mike Graham, Marlow.

“I think it’s important that we learn about what’s going on in Washington, D.C.,” Mike Graham said.

Among the issues covered by Rep. Cole, were the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), presidential elections and EPA over regulation.

“Congress has cut the EPA budget by 24 percent since 2010,” Cole said, “but they still have rule making authority. What we really need is a president that will appoint an EPA administrator that is agriculture and business friendly.”

Cole said the controversial TPP, which is a trade agreement among countries bordering the Pacific Ocean, would probably not be resolved this year.

“It’s going to be tricky to pass it since the people running for president don’t support it,” Cole said.

Congress has cut the EPA budget by 24 percent since 2010, but they still have rule making authority. What we really need is a president that will appoint an EPA administrator that is agriculture and business friendly.

U.S. Representative Tom Cole
U.S. Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK), addressed a group of AFR leaders meeting at BancFirst in Marlow on May 31.

While declining to say which presidential candidate he supports, Cong. Cole said this is the most interesting election he has experienced.

“This is the strangest election I’ve ever seen,” Cole said, referring primarily to Donald Trump.

Cole said the public is clamoring for change and with Trump that could definitely happen. 

He noted the general feeling that very little is getting accomplished in D.C. today.

“They (public) probably don’t think so, but we passed the first multi-year highway bill since 2005, first overhaul of education k-12 since 2002, lifted the ban on petroleum exports, and more, so there actually has been quite a bit of legislation passed,” Cole said.

For those concerned about the current economy and direction of the country, Cong. Cole has a message for you:

“This country has a long history of getting through tough challenges.  Despite low ag commodity and oil prices, we still have an incredible quality of life.  When you live in a country where people are trying to get in, not get out, probably tells you that you are pretty lucky to be an American.”

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Summer 2016

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