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AFR Women's Cooperative Council Application Due

Wednesday, November 30, 2016 - 5:00pm
American Farmers & Ranchers
PO Box 24000
Oklahoma City, OK 73124

Women’s Cooperative State Council Representative Positions

Application Due November 30, 2016 for 2017-2019 term consideration


The bolded leadership positions are open for the Women’s Cooperative State Council:

  • NE District Representative 2 year term
  • Julie Brown, NE District Representative 1 year term
  • SE District Representative 2 year term
  • Suzanne Gilbert, SE District Representative 1 year term Current Chair
  • NW District Representative 2 year term
  • Pam Livingston, NW District Representative 1 year term
  • SW District Representative 2 year term
  • Crystie Shebester, SW District Representative 1 year term
  • Megan Albright, Member at Large

Responsibilities of State Council Representatives:

  • New 2017-2019 State Council Representative will begin terms following thecompletion of the 2017 AFR State Convention. Terms will end based on yearlength after the 2018 State Convention and 2019 State Convention respectivally.
  • State Council Representatives are expected to assist in the planning andimplementation of the Women’s Cooperative Strategic Plan.
  • All State Council members are to attend at least 50% of yearly State Councilmeetings and 75% of Women Cooperative events in member’s respectivedistrict.
Contact Phone Number: 
(405) 218-5416
Contact Email: