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Rep. Kouplen receives legislative advocacy award from AFR

State Rep. Steve Kouplen (D-24), recently received the AFR Legislative Advocacy Award from American Farmers & Ranchers.

“I am extremely pleased to receive this award from AFR,” Kouplen said.  “It is gratifying to be recognized by AFR for the work I have done for agriculture. I have a deep feeling for agriculture since it has been my chosen career from the beginning.”

The Beggs, Okla., farmer said improving the rural infrastructure, roads and bridges, rural health care, education, and fighting misinformation about production agriculture are critical issues facing his constituents today.

Kouplen, the Oklahoma Democratic caucus chair, said balancing the state budget is also important.

“We must invest in the future for our children and grandchildren,” Kouplen said.  “Most people believe we have a revenue problem, and in my opinion we need to look at the gross production tax or the income tax.”

“Rep. Kouplen is highly deserving of this award,” Terry Detrick, AFR president said.  “He is a strong advocate for AFR policy, agriculture and rural Oklahoma at the state capitol and we want him to know he has our full support.”

District 24 includes parts of Hughes, Okfuskee and Okmulgee Counties.

PHOTO CAPTION:  State Rep. Steve Kouplen (D-24), left, recently received the AFR Legislative Advocacy Award from Steve Thompson, AFR government relations.

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