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Rep. Pfeiffer receives legislative advocacy award from AFR

State Rep. John Pfeiffer (R-38), recently received the AFR Legislative Advocacy Award from American Farmers & Ranchers.

“It’s a great honor to receive this award from AFR,” Pfeiffer said.  “I went to the Capitol to be a voice for rural Oklahoma and the fact I can get honored by one of the largest ag groups in the state is a real humbling experience for me.”

The Orlando, Okla., farmer said improving the rural infrastructure, roads and bridges, rural health care, and fighting misinformation about production agriculture are critical issues facing his constituents today.

“Rep. Pfeiffer is highly deserving of this award,” Terry Detrick, AFR president said.  “He is a strong advocate for AFR policy, agriculture and rural Oklahoma at the state capitol and we want him to know he has our full support.”

District 38 includes parts of Garfield, Grant, Kay, Logan and Noble Counties.

PHOTO CAPTION:  State Rep. John Pfeiffer, left, recently received the AFR Legislative Advocate award from Steve Thompson, AFR government relations.