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2017 State Scholarship Applications Due April 15th

2015 Scholarship Recipients

American Farmers & Ranchers sponsors college scholarships annually to young people who have been active participants in the Youth Program. College scholarships are given annually to assist participants financially with college and university expenses.

Minimum requirements are as follows:

  • Applicant or member of applicant’s immediate family must be an AFR Insurance policy holder.

    • Member of policy holder household – eligible

    • At least one parent in split household is policyholder – eligible

    • Grandparents of applicant are policy holders and applicant is residing in grandparent’s household – eligible

    • Other applicant policyholder situations are not eligible, unless granted by AFR Home Office in advance

  • Applicant must have a minimum cumulative 3.0 Grade Point Average on a 4.0 Grade Scale. To receive the second half of the scholarship (spring semester), students must have: 1) earned a 3.0 GPA the preceding semester and 2) continued spring semester enrollment. If either 1) or 2) above does not happen, the second half of the scholarship money will be returned to the county/local from which it came.

  • Applicant must have attended two AFR Senior Leadership Summits.

  • Upon receiving a scholarship award, the applicant must serve as a judge for one or more of the 2017 AFR Speech Contests, serve as a chaperone during the 2017 AFR Leadership Summit, and attend the 2018 AFR State Convention or a variation of the above activities pending approval from the AFR Youth Development Coordinator.

  • Applications must be accompanied by an official transcript and a current wallet-size photograph of the applicant. A digital photograph of the applicant must also be emailed to

  • Applications must be received to the State AFR Office by April 15, 2017.

  • AFR scholarships are directed only for undergraduate level studies, if funds are available. Any exceptions must be approved by AFR.

  • Any extenuating circumstance may be appealed to the AFR Home Office,  Attn: Youth Coordinator, for review and final ruling in advance. 

Scholarship recipients are selected by an appointed scholarship committee based upon the following criteria:

  • Participation in the Youth Program
  • Financial need
  • Leadership activities
  • Grade point average

Application Deadline: April 15th, 2017