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American Farmers & Ranchers President Terry Detrick sent the following letter today to every member of the U.S. Senate, urging their support of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as director of the Environmental Protection Agency.

AFR President Terry Detrick issued the following statement on Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt’s nomination to head up the Environmental Protection Agency.

Press statements on State Question 777 as well as general election results.

AFR President Terry Detrick issued the following statement in support of the water rights agreement between the The State of Oklahoma and The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, The Chickasaw Nation, and The City of Oklahoma City following the press conference held on August 11th.

Oklahoma residents will have the opportunity to vote on State Question 777, Right to Farm, in November, following the announcement Aug. 8, by the Oklahoma Supreme Court.

In response to the troubling economic situation facing U.S. dairy farmers, American Farmers & Ranchers today invited the Oklahoma congressional delegation to sign on to a letter of support urging USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack to take immediate action.  

U.S.  Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK), addressed a group of AFR leaders meeting at BancFirst in Marlow, May 31.  The event was hosted by Becky and Mike Graham, Marlow.

In a letter today to the Oklahoma congressional delegation, AFR President Terry Detrick encouraged them to support the U.S. Senate’s GMO labeling legislation.  The Senate is expected to vote on the issue after July 4th holiday.

AFR Lobbyist Tommy Thomas wraps up the 2016 Oklahoma legislative session.